News: Obviously, abstinence is not working
(too old to reply)
2005-09-03 23:48:35 UTC
Well, DUH. <eye roll>


CANTON, Ohio Sep 1, 2005 — Thirteen percent of the female students at
Timken Senior High School in Ohio are pregnant. High school senior Monica
Selby thought she would be busy this year planning for college, not
preparing for the birth of her first child.

"I've been crying every day and every night. I keep on blaming myself for
this," said the 18-year-old Selby, who is six months pregnant.

She cries about starting classes this week at Timken Senior High School
with a bulging belly, about the emotions of planning an adoption, about
becoming part of a statistic that has snagged the nation's attention: 64 of
Timken's 490 female students 13 percent are pregnant.

The statistic at the school in the heart of this old steel city contrasts
with a decade of declining teen pregnancy rates nationwide. But teen
pregnancy experts say the problem is not exclusive to Timken High.

Experts, parents and students themselves struggle to explain why such
pockets of high teen pregancy rates appear. Are teens getting appropriate
sex education? Do they have access to birth control and are they using it
consistently? Has the stigma of unwed motherhood lost its edge?

"This might be a school that is forthright with its problems while others
are not," said Jay Green, chairman of the Education Reform department at
the University of Arkansas. "But this is a widespread issue."

Green wrote a study last year for the conservative New York-based Manhattan
Institute for Policy Research that found 20 percent of urban teenagers have
been pregnant, compared with 14 percent of suburban teens.

Urban teens as a whole don't use birth control as consistently or often,
according to his research, and often have less to lose financially and
socially than those in the suburbs.

But Green couldn't say whether those factors applied to Timken. The school
of about 1,000 students draws teens from across the neighborhood and
economic lines in the state's ninth largest city.

Eric Wilson, 18, who works at a hot dog shop a few blocks from the school
while making plans to get his GED and caring for his 2-year-old son, said
the spotlight on Timken is magnifying an old problem.

"My mom had a kid when she was in school and now I have a kid," he said.
"It goes back to how you were raised. Down here, it's not looked too down
upon because a lot of parents had kids when they were kids."

Last school year, both high schools in the city's district reported 55
pregnancies. Ninety-nine pregnancies are expected in the district this
year, most of them at Timken, where expecting students get six weeks of
maternity leave.

"This has gotten to horrible proportions. I wish I knew the answer to why
it's happening," principal Kim Redmond told the city's daily newspaper The
Repository. Redmond did not return several messages left by The Associated

Joanne Hinton, whose 16-year-old daughter, Raechel Hinton, is eight months
pregnant, said she believes the school's abstinence-based sex education
program isn't enough.

"It's time to take the blinders off and realize that these kids are having
sex," she said. "Obviously, abstinence is not working. If we have to, just
give them condoms."

Abstinence-based programs have been growing nationwide at schools over the
past few years. In Ohio, the Bush's administration and the state's health
department have awarded $32 million in grants to Ohio agencies for
abstinence education since 2001.

Hinton stresses that she doesn't condone teenage sex and that her daughter
doesn't fit the mold some may think pregnant teens come from: The Hinton
household has two loving parents with a strong relationship who asked the
straight-A Raechel "45 times a week if she was having sex, doing drugs,
drinking. We were constantly checking on her."

Raechel, who plans to return to the 10th grade at Timken after delivering
and completing an adoption, said many students are sexually active and need
more information about birth control.

"It can happen to anybody no matter who you are, not just bad girls," she
I think 'Dark Side of the Moon' is worth a hundred dead kids. - Bill Maher
2005-09-03 21:56:01 UTC
Post by Caine
Well, DUH. <eye roll>
Raechel, who plans to return to the 10th grade at Timken after delivering
and completing an adoption, said many students are sexually active and need
more information about birth control.
"It can happen to anybody no matter who you are, not just bad girls," she
Lemme add an //eyeroll// and raise you a
scalloped-kee-ryst-on-spiach-fettucini". What, nice girls can't
conceive? And why isn't abortion ever mentioned as an option for
underage pregnancy? Stop the fucking cycle, already.

V., kee-rysting on toast points
Veronique Chez Sheep
Abbie F.
2005-09-03 22:48:12 UTC
Post by Veronique
Post by Caine
Well, DUH. <eye roll>
Raechel, who plans to return to the 10th grade at Timken after delivering
and completing an adoption, said many students are sexually active and need
more information about birth control.
"It can happen to anybody no matter who you are, not just bad girls," she
Lemme add an //eyeroll// and raise you a
scalloped-kee-ryst-on-spiach-fettucini". What, nice girls can't
conceive? And why isn't abortion ever mentioned as an option for
underage pregnancy? Stop the fucking cycle, already.
V., kee-rysting on toast points
Veronique Chez Sheep
Stupidity confession: when I was that young, I really did believe that
only "other types" of girls got visited by the stork. The kind that
were so far removed from my world, I couldn't imagine ever being in
that circumstance and was somehow immune to the disgustingness of a
life filled with caterwauling and loaded diapers. I didn't know
ab0rtion existed because it wasn't a topic requiring research. I'd
seen enough melodramatic after-school specials to believe that only
girls with tire planters in the front yard and checks from the gubmint
on the 1st got knocked up. I was DAMNED lucky.

This is why I made sure my fundie-raised young relatives learned the
truth. I knew they'd never find out otherwise, until it was too late.
Girls require complete and honest education; this "abstinence" crap is
like rolling the dice. Parents can't assume reality won't come up and
smack their little angel in the face someday. It just might.
J.D. Spangler
2005-09-03 23:08:19 UTC
Post by Caine
Well, DUH. <eye roll>
Post by Caine
Hinton stresses that she doesn't condone teenage sex and that her daughter
doesn't fit the mold some may think pregnant teens come from: The Hinton
household has two loving parents with a strong relationship who asked the
straight-A Raechel "45 times a week if she was having sex, doing drugs,
drinking. We were constantly checking on her."
I'm seeing a Simpsons skit here... "Are you having sex yet?" "No" "Are you
having sex yet?" "No" "Are you having sex yet?" "No" "Are you having sex yet?"
"No" "Are you having sex yet?" "No" "Are you having sex yet?" "No" "Are you
having sex yet?" "No" "Are you having sex yet?" "No"

And to make it even worse, sometimes even their own idiot classmates are
opposed to measures to prevent this shit!


Discussion about the plan B delay, I got into it(as ayrsayle, natch) with some
retard of a 17 year old. You can just smell the jealousy coming off of him...
I guess every life ruined by a swollen belly gives him a warm "ha-ha" glow.
J.D. Spangler
hotshit Smart Alec 7th Grader Whom Just Learned to Cuss
"Naked people are their own reward." - Penn Jillette
2005-09-04 01:27:05 UTC
Post by J.D. Spangler
Post by Caine
Well, DUH. <eye roll>
And to make it even worse, sometimes even their own idiot classmates
are opposed to measures to prevent this shit!
From the above url:

"Most of you are arguing that this approval would be wholly beneficial to
teens. However, myself being a 17 year old male is a little scared about
the opportunities this drug would give to girls who want to please the
males they like, of which i know many, and the arguments that can made by
already testosterone driven, promiscuous teenage males. Right now a lot of
my friends think it's ridiculous when girls make them wear a condem. If the
girls now know that they can have a theoretical "get out of jail free card"
in this pill then they are going to be far more likely to try to please
their mate even more by saying they don't have to wear a condem. Although
this could be getting outlandish, if teenage males stop wearing condems
then how much easier is the spread of STD's going to be? Could it feasibly
develop into an unforeseen pandemic affecting our youth. I don't know for
sure. And I hope if this drug does hit the shelves that many males, like
me, can realize the purpose of condems is not only to protect from
conception, but also to stop the spread of STD's. But, honestly, knowing
high school and the pressures put on kids by their peers and what everyone
else is doing, bad things could begin to happen from this. Already there
are girls in 8th grade in my school affected by Chlamyidia. 8th GRADE! Just
imagine what could happen if they knew that every time they had sex they
could pop a wonder pill and not have to worry about being pregnant.
Sometimes I'm almost afraid of the ignorance of my generation and the fact
that adults always feel they know what's best for us."

<yet another eye roll>

Perhaps he ought to simply be concerned with his own personal
responsibility regarding sexual activity.

In spite of his painfully obvious attempt to use all of his "big word"
vocabulary, it would be helpful if he was able to spell condom correctly.
I think 'Dark Side of the Moon' is worth a hundred dead kids. - Bill Maher
2005-09-03 23:43:57 UTC
Wrote a paper once on the success of condom distribution programs in
high schools. Found out that they are much more effective than
abstinence only programs in preventing pregnancies and STDs. Also
found that sexual activity actually decreased at some of the high
schools that had instilled these programs. That surprised me. One of
the problems is that until parents can handle that their kids are human
beings that will have sex, pregnancies will continue. Sometimes I
think that it's easier on some of these parents psychologically for the
girl to come home "unexpectedly" pregnant. That way, daddy can
continue to believe that his daughter is still a virgin-pure little
girl that was just victimized by some boy and mommy can continue to
believe it was only a one-time, by accident situation and so that makes
her "blame-free" in the eyes of her church and community.

I also agree w/Abby that these some of these girls suffer from, "It
could never happen to me" syndrome. I took a "Mother-Baby Care" class
in the tenth grade (went to a rather progressive HS for its time) and
it did have a sobering affect me. From conception to watching a birth,
the class got to see it all. Even though I knew for sure that I didn't
want to have kids at the tender age of 12, it still made me think,
that's for sure.
2005-09-04 06:00:43 UTC
Post by WalmartGreeter
Wrote a paper once on the success of condom distribution programs in
high schools. Found out that they are much more effective than
abstinence only programs in preventing pregnancies and STDs. Also
found that sexual activity actually decreased at some of the high
schools that had instilled these programs. That surprised me. One of
I wonder whether part of it is that the fundies who push the
abstinence-only plans do so because they actually think that girls should
be punished (with pregnancy) for having sex.

2005-09-04 14:16:23 UTC
Post by kali95
I wonder whether part of it is that the fundies who push the
abstinence-only plans do so because they actually think that girls should
be punished (with pregnancy) for having sex.
I wouldn't doubt it. I have also heard that some people believe you
should never have sex (married or not) unless you are trying to
conceive. Imagine growing up in that kind of household, trying to
subjugate such a deeply instinctual drive. It's not gonna work for the
majority of the human race.
Marten Kemp
2005-09-04 18:43:31 UTC
Post by kali95
Post by WalmartGreeter
Wrote a paper once on the success of condom distribution programs in
high schools. Found out that they are much more effective than
abstinence only programs in preventing pregnancies and STDs. Also
found that sexual activity actually decreased at some of the high
schools that had instilled these programs. That surprised me. One of
I wonder whether part of it is that the fundies who push the
abstinence-only plans do so because they actually think that girls should
be punished (with pregnancy) for having sex.
Punished by being forced to carry the baby to term.
Yes, they believe that.
-- Marten Kemp
(Fix name and ISP to reply)
2005-09-04 06:18:52 UTC
Post by Caine
"This has gotten to horrible proportions. I wish I knew
the answer to why it's happening," principal Kim Redmond
told the city's daily newspaper The Repository.
It's happening because kids are fucking, you overpaid moron.
Post by Caine
Joanne Hinton, whose 16-year-old daughter, Raechel
ObNameSnark: *Rae*chel? Figures ...
Post by Caine
Hinton, is eight months pregnant, said she believes the
school's abstinence-based sex education program isn't
"It's time to take the blinders off and realize that these
kids are having sex," she said. "Obviously, abstinence
is not working. If we have to, just give them condoms."
Oh, abstinence works fine ... if you're celibate (and none of this
"I-can-fuck-as-long-as-I-don't-cum" bullshit that one cow-orker of mine
espoused). Young people, however, need unbiased, complete information about
sex and reproduction. And, gee, isn't it *YOUR* job as a (supposed) PARENT
to see that she got it *before* she got pregnant?

Stupid bint.
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