Post by LenonaPost by LenonaSo I suppose what I'm asking is: With all the accusations of selfishness
hurled at FERTILE people who refuse to reproduce, why do you pretty much
never hear of anyone's accusing an infertile, childless couple of being
Well, it's pretty obvious. If you're childless through no fault of your
own (b/c you are infertile), then you can't blamed or called "selfish".
Yes, well, as I made clear, since adoption exists, why do infertile married
heterosexual couples who refuse to consider adoption NOT get called "selfish"?
After all, they have just as much carefree time as any young childfree couple.
I'd love to know just what the conservative rationale is.
Here's an answer:
Consider categorizing the population into 3 groups:
1) "normal people". N.B. I'm using "normal" in the statistical sense,
not in any sort of value-judgement sense. "normal" people are those
who marry, have children, grandchildren, etc.
2) Couple who could have children (and thus be "normal"), but who
choose not to. I.e., childfree.
3) Couple who are unable to have children - the childless, not
childfree. (But who share, in general, the pro-natalist views of the
group 1s)
Now, what we're concerned about here is how people in group 1 view those in
the other two groups. In the case of group 2, they (group 1s) are incensed.
They realize they made a bad choice (for a whole host of reasons), and it
pisses them off that group 2s exist and that they know that they (group 1s)
screwed up and they know that they know (and so on). Therefore, group 1s
react by calling group2 all sorts of names (such as "selfish", etc).
But group 3s are different. Here, the group 1s can act superior to, and
can be pitying towards them. So, no need to call them names. And, no need
to get upset about them not adopting. I mean, yes, I get that, in theory,
they should be upset about it, but really, there's no need to as long as
they (group 1s) can feel superior to them.
Conclusion: As with most things, it's all about ego protection.
Adderall, pseudoephed, teleprompter